Animal health protection solutions
Health and welfare are key aspects of sustainable animal production. They are key to productivity, as well as reputation management. Eubiotic feed additives aid in maintaining animal health for efficient growth and productivity in various types of production systems.
When you use NOVUS eubiotics solutions you can help:
NOVUS helps you protect animal health and welfare while supporting your business goals.
Learn more about NEXT ENHANCE® 150 Feed Solution for:
Learn more about AVIMATRIX® Feed Solution for:
Your business is focused on today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities. We’re here to support you for the long term — consistently creating better solutions that protect your animals, boost public health, care for the planet, and build your business.
We’re not afraid of new ideas or unique perspectives. We’re not afraid to be creative or take risks. We are not afraid to fail. Because each of us constantly challenges ourselves, our colleagues, and our producers to pursue new ideas, wherever they lead.
Working together, we can elevate your ability to meet today’s demands and deliver high-quality protein to everyone. Let’s get growing.