New Technical Service Manager Supporting Gut Health in Asia

BANGKOK, THAILAND (October 16, 2024 ) – With experience in gut health, hatchability, and eggshell quality, Chavalit Piriyabenjawat, DVM, is supporting monogastric production throughout Asia.
Piriyabenjawat joined NOVUS this year as the regional technical services manager for Asia to work with the technical and commercial teams as they identify how management best practices and intelligent nutrition solutions can make a difference in animal gut health and performance along with production costs and producer success.
“NOVUS has an effective enzyme and gut health portfolio that helps our customers reduce feed costs while providing better protein digestibility and better gut health for their animals,” he says.
As a veterinarian, Piriyabenjawat has extensive knowledge of gut health, particularly concerning coccidiosis and bacterial enteritis, as well as egg breakout analysis, which helps identify hatchability issues in breeder flocks. He also has experience in swine intestinal health and respiratory diseases.
Prior to joining NOVUS, Piriyabenjawat served as global technical manager for Trouw Nutrition. He earned his doctorate in veterinary medicine from Kasetsart University in Thailand.
“Chavalit has a strong track record in delivering practical and effective solutions to customer pain points,” says Senior Director and Asia Managing Director Rajeev Murthy. “His deep knowledge around animal health is critical for this role where he is overseeing product performance trials, developing our technical service team and supporting our customers in the region.”